at the start when burt took off in his trial run the camera angle was at a rear viewpoint and it showed how much Burt’s bike was swinging side to side when he took off this camera angle helped show how dangerous and bad it actually looked and gave it more suspense. when burt picked […]

I turn up at the race.Walking through all the red blow up doors and the white tents that tower over. The sky dark with the sun just peeking over the mountain range. There are lots of officials finishing setting up the course for the race and at the register tent handing out the competitors numbers […]

location:church yard time:thursday night characters:paris,page,romeo,balthasar,friar lawrence,juliet,captain of the watch,second watch man,third watch man,prince,lady capulet,capulet,montague. events:paris preys at juliet’s and romeo fight and paris dies.friar lawrence is to late to save romeo,romeo swallows the poison.when juliet shes his dead body juliet kills herself. quote:friar lawrence ”a greater power than we can contradict hath thwarted our […]

location:friar lawrence’s cell time:thursday morning charters:friar john,friar lawrence events:friar lawrence sent a letter to romeo but romeo didn’t get it so romeo went to save her now friar lawrence knows that romeo did not get the letter. quote:holy franciscan friar,brother,ho

location:mantua time:wednesday morning charters:balthasar,romeo,apothecary events:romeo was told juliet was dead quote:i pay thy poverty and not thy will                            

location:juilets bedroom time:wednesday morning characters:nurse,lady capulet,capulet,paris,friar lawrence,musicians 1 2 ,peter events:the capulet family find out that juliet is dead and they worry. quote:”pray you up your dagger,and put out your wit”

location:friar lawrences sell time:tuesday characters:juliet,friar lawrence,paris events:juliet doesn’t want to marry paris so friar lawrence gives juliet a potion show she seems dead show she gets moved to tomb and romeo picks her up. quote:love give me strength,and strength shall help afford.

location:capulets house time:monday lte evening characters:capulet,lady capulet events:capulet and paris are discussing about a new wedding for paris and juliet and he says he will marry her on thursday. quote:we were born to die

location:friar lawrence’s cell time:monday evening characters:friar lawrence,romeo,nurse events:romeo would rather be dead then banished.the plan is friar lawrence is going to convince prince to undo the banishment.romeo hides in friar lawrence’s cell instead of leaving verona and gets shocked when nurse visits him, quote:there is no world without verona walls,but purgatory.torture,hell itself.  

location:Capulets house time:monday night characters:Juliet,Nurse events:Juliet finds out that romeo killed her cousin Tybalt but she forgives Romeo for killing him.Juliet invites him over for one last night before he gets banished. quote:”He made you for a highway to my bed”.